Saturday, February 4, 2017

Flexible sanding forms for curves.

Often when working with curves there can be a huge amount of filing, sanding, scraping, and spokeshaving. The goal is to get a smooth consistent curve that is flat and 90 from the reference edge. While blending everything is enjoyable it is also very time consuming. This is especially true if the surfaces are going to get veneered. Nothing worst than hollow spots behind the veneer due to your substate not be flat and continuous. So for me my favorite go to method for blending curved surfaces is the flexible sanding caul. 

 To make this sanding caul all I do is is glue on a piece of masonite or plywood onto some particleboard or mdf and cut 1/8 inch grooves about 1/2 apart. By cutting the grooves close together it allows for a flexible sanding block that will conform to almost any surface. The closer the grooves, the smaller the spacing, the more flexible the sanding form is. But beware they can snap on you. So there is a necessary balance or trial and error.

 Once the grooves are cut I than apply stick back sand paper or spray adhesive some sandpaper on the other side of the grooves and we are off to the races.

Tips like this is what makes a frustrating day turn to the better quickly. 

Happy blending. 

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