Monday, September 2, 2024

Imposter syndrome


Imposter Syndrome

When I was a student in furniture-making school, I was surrounded by incredibly skilled and talented peers. I couldn’t help but feel that I didn’t measure up. I often questioned whether I belonged there at all.

I vividly recall a lecture with my mentor about cutting dovetails. In just 5-10 minutes, he effortlessly cut and fit four perfect dovetails. I went to my bench, confident that I could do the same in an hour or two. Six hours later, all I had to show was a piece of wood that looked like it had been gnawed on by a beaver—nothing close to resembling dovetails.

Back then, mastering that hallmark joint seemed essential to becoming a true craftsman. Fast forward 22 years, and now, dovetails are just dovetails. I can cut and fit them as quickly and precisely as my mentor once did.

The lesson I’ve learned is that sometimes, you need to step back and give yourself time. It’s crucial to set goals, but avoid comparing yourself to others. There will always be someone better than you, just as you will be better than others.

Remember, this journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the process.