Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sorry we’re closed! Permanently

 The hardest decision in my career was to close shop to the public and not take on work.

As I reflect back to this still new decision I must say it was the best decision I made! This sounds crazy for some folks who think they know me, but I made a choice to live, to have a life, to work less, to better my health and to reduce stress.

Don’t get me wrong I love and miss my shop. I love all my tools, working behind my bench and working from my tool chest. 

What I don’t miss is all the phone calls, all the emails of inquiry, the contracts, the shop help or the lack of productivity in 99 percent of anyone I hired. I hated chasing money! I especially disliked dealing with scumbag contractors! Or the people who don’t pay and make every excuse in the book. Yet they are still out there spending money they don’t have. 

What many people don’t realize is that repair work has one speed, and that one speed is needed for 40 hours. When you don’t produce at that speed you lose money. This effort or lack thereof can make or break you in a small business over time. This work isn’t hgtv. The work isn’t fancy. The abuse on your body and health is real. 

But this whole make or break methodology is what I lived by. The whole hustle and grind. The dirty hands clean money. The do what you love and never work a day in your life. Better yet my favorite statement was, I work half days (12 hours).  I can’t believe I was proud to work 12 hour days 6 days a week for years! 

Now all these statements are great motivators at some point in your life, but they can also swallow you up and make you realize life has passed you by. 

I have realized these past few years that many of us shouldn’t work for ourselves, including myself. I am a great employee and I hustle and grind for my employer. The biggest difference is that I hustle and grind at work for 8 hours a day and I’m done. I work 40 hours a week and I’m done. It’s amazing and I love it. 

For me this new work flow is a luxury and a blessing. Especially after 18 years working for myself. This new life of not being a slave to my trade allows me to make what I want, how I want it, and no one to answer to other than myself. 

There is some inner peace with this approach and I truly look forward to making a house full of furniture that my family and I can enjoy and pass on.

So while I’m sorry we’re closed. In reality I’m so happy to walk away and go back to doing what I love the most! But this time I’m living a beautiful peaceful life as well. 
